The and directives, along with their regexcounterparts, apply directives toparts of the filesystem. Directives enclosed in a section apply tothe named filesystem directory and all subdirectories of thatdirectory (as well as the files in those directories).The same effect can be obtained using .htaccess files. For example, in thefollowing configuration, directory indexes will be enabled for the/var/web/dir1 directory and all subdirectories.
Parent Directory Index Of Private Images
Directives enclosed in a section apply to any file withthe specified name, regardless of what directory it lies in.So for example, the following configuration directives will,when placed in the main section of the configuration file,deny access to any file named private.html regardlessof where it is found.
To address files found in a particular part of the filesystem, the and sectionscan be combined. For example, the following configuration will denyaccess to /var/web/dir1/private.html,/var/web/dir1/subdir2/private.html,/var/web/dir1/subdir3/private.html, and any other instanceof private.html found under the /var/web/dir1/directory.
Here, NGINX searches for a URI that starts with /images/ in the /www/data/images/ directory in the file system. But if the URI ends with the .mp3 or .mp4 extension, NGINX instead searches for the file in the /www/media/ directory because it is defined in the matching location block.
The preceding example sets a repository folder as the MVS service location. setRepositoryLocation is set to true to indicate that the service location is a repository instead of the whole MVSuggest directory. When the job runs, a whole MVSuggest directory will be created using the given repository location; the repository will be indexed and will be placed in a temporary folder while the job finishes. The previously indexed MVSuggest directory can be persisted so it can be used later. The preceding example saves the generated MVSuggest directory in the HDFS path /user/hdfs/hdfs_mvs_dir. Use the MVSDirectory if the MVSuggest directory already exists.
Hierarchy index path: This is the path where the hierarchy data index is stored. Hierarchy data needs to be preprocessed to know the parent-child relationships between hierarchy levels. This information is processed once and saved at the hierarchy index, so it can be used later by the current job or even by any other jobs.
The following is a sample HierarchyInfo implementation, which takes the previously mentioned world layers as the hierarchy levels. The first section contains the initialize method and the methods used to describe the hierarchy. In this case, the initialize method does nothing. The methods mentioned in the following example use the hierarchyLevelNames array to provide the hierarchy description. The instance variables entriesGeoms and entriesParent are arrays of java.util.Map, which contains the entries geometries and entries parents respectively. The entries ids are used as keys in both cases. Since the arrays indices are zero-based and the hierarchy levels are one-based, the array indices correlate to the hierarchy levels as array index + 1 = hierarchy level. 2ff7e9595c